Friday, July 9, 2010

Dear MOJO please come back to me..............

Okay I have not updated this blog since May. I read this and thought May really.......I mean it is already July. Trust me when I say it is not because time has flown by because I can honestly say this has been a very long 3 months for our family. I honestly have just lost my mojo for my blog, facebook, chat, etc. I remember when Jeremy was having surgery and going through chemo and I was so inspired and so much to write about and say. However right now I feel very lost at what direction to take on my blog. I want to get back to regularly scheduled programming, but for some reason it is not as easy as I thought it would be. Looking back I remember in high school thinking next is college then marriage then babies. It all happened in that order just as I thought it would. Then after everything happened in just the right order I feel as if the floor fell out from under me. Don't get me wrong I am BLESSED I am blessed beyond belief I am just a little lost in this journey of life. So for all my amazing friends and blog buddies out there I am coming around slowly but surely. Praying for God to get me back on track for the sake of my family, friends, and upcoming new kindergartners I will be meeting very soon.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I am there with you. I am. I am blogging and Facebooking (as you know) but my mojo is gone. And I don't even have a reason for it like you do. I am praying the same thing. Where, oh, where can our MoJo be???