Sunday, October 11, 2009

Purring Like a Kitten

You know how you have all those little projects and messes around the house that just seem to pile up? Then on top of that your to do list is a mile long???? Well that is exactly how I felt...........until NOW! I have had so many little messes that have piled up, kids stuff, my stuff, work stuff, doctor papers, etc. etc. etc. On top of that I have had a ton of errands that I needed to run, my classroom cleaned up, my van cleaned out, the refrigerator stocked, Sam's Club run, laundry, and the house cleaned. Well I was determined this week I was getting it ALL done, yes you heard me ALL of it! As I said in my previous post my mom came and did the house cleaning and laundry and once again Praise the Lord for her coming! I also cooked a meal for Jeremy's work as a thank you for all they have done for him and how supportive they have been to our family emotionally and financially through everything we continue to go through.
I really wanted to return to work tomorrow and feel a sense of accomplishment and I do. Our house looks better than it has ever looked. All the laundry for once is all put where it goes. We have meals for the week(compliments to my wonderful friend Melissa :). My classroom is ready for me to walk into tomorrow and hit the ground running. Thanks to my mom for giving me the entire day on Tuesday to get everything done I needed to, in fact her exact words were do not come home until you have to look for things to do! It was so nice, no pressure to rush and hurry up.
I am an organized person and I like for everything to have a place, so when things get piled up it drives me crazy! So tonight when I crawl into my CLEAN sheets :) I can continue to purr like a kitten and know that everything is in its spot. Carter better not play in the clean toilets and mess up my clean bathrooms!!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I LOVE it! I am so envious. I have so many piles everywhere. I cannot handle it. Maybe this should be my goal too!